Helooo!! Today me, sarah siau, nash,melissa and Yee Leng went for like a movieee !! As i said in my last post i'll be going too watch hsm !! Guess what.. THE FREAKIN CINEMA WAS EMPTY.. there were people.. but not that much !! maybe this movie is boring to others .. Who cares? So yeah !! the movie was full of songs.. after each word .. SONG.. SONG.. SONG.. argghh! irritatingg! But i had fun :)
Last night, Mr Brian.. my friend!! he texted me and he told me that he can't come -.- i was so sad . he always wanted to come out with us !! but look at what he's dumb teacher has done. Right now all i can say to you is that ifreakinhateyourteacher :) Forget that !! Me and Melissa didint have any transport home :( so we decided to like take a bus !! i mean i decided to take a bus :) For the frist time.. without my parents knowing.. So me and melissa hopped in Metro 10.. whooo! i was so scared.. someone might like rape me and her ?? how would you know?? hahaha!! sorry laaaaa! -.- who cares.. melissa and i had losta fun today !! walkin around with nash siau.. YeeLeng.. shopping... eating.. crapping :) that's what girls doo !! And melissa you know what acting i did :)
Last night, Mr Brian.. my friend!! he texted me and he told me that he can't come -.- i was so sad . he always wanted to come out with us !! but look at what he's dumb teacher has done. Right now all i can say to you is that ifreakinhateyourteacher :) Forget that !! Me and Melissa didint have any transport home :( so we decided to like take a bus !! i mean i decided to take a bus :) For the frist time.. without my parents knowing.. So me and melissa hopped in Metro 10.. whooo! i was so scared.. someone might like rape me and her ?? how would you know?? hahaha!! sorry laaaaa! -.- who cares.. melissa and i had losta fun today !! walkin around with nash siau.. YeeLeng.. shopping... eating.. crapping :) that's what girls doo !! And melissa you know what acting i did :)
Since i got my phone back .. i texted melissa.. the bimbo !!! She calls herself a bimbo.. not me HER :) So i started getting hyper and all .. so i created some new words with her.. !!
- Lame- Lamo- Shamoooooo !!
- Loser- Loser Moserr !!
- My so call nick name ! -Pinky Winky
- Melyza-Bimbo Smimboo..
- Lol- Lolipop !!
- Awesome-Awesome Posem!
- Weird-Werido-Smerdo!
We are lame people and we are proud of that.. got a problem with that?? Right now i'm so full :) so so so so so full :) and i feel like a pig for eating so much !! Sorry guys for not taking any pic.. my baterry was lowww.. and none of us brought camera :) bye..
Priyanka Patel.