Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Since it was melyza's birthday ..she made like a small gathering at her house! It was freakin fun ! It was only me Yashh Moon and Aleen. So we ate pizza'ssssss! and drank PEPSI not coke :) After that moon arrived and she talked bout her interview .. now i know, ROXY you suck :) and lola you rockssssss! Roxy is like so phatetic !! never work there .. and try not buying thier stuffs too =P After moon ate we all played twister ! omgg! It was so damm pain man !! we're all twisted ! and i told melissa that we have already screwed up this game. Becus my leg was one corner and her's the other then my hand near her ass.. FACE near my underarm.. it was funny .. and fun !

I went home at 10.30pm .. bacause of my mum ! :( then i sat down and like started to think wether should i go for the camp of not? should i or should i not? arghh! in the end i said no :)
Melyza is cmg over this afternoon. We re gonna watch movieeeee! If she comes la -.-

So yeah .. pitcures will be post up later cause i'm waiting for yash and mayuri . :)


Priyanka Patel.