Monday, November 30, 2009

Two percent is enough .

It took me 3 seconds to take this (:

Hello. Im finally back on the cyber world. Sorry for neglecting my blog. I have been busy with a few things and also bunch of famliy activities. Today marks 1st december which means we have 31 days more to enjoy our holidays. ( oh more or less ) . Some have already started studying and my tutions have already started too -_- Im really looking forward for this month as its gona be my last time going out and having fun before next year arrives. Parents are leaving this weekend for India ! Im really gona make use of my time as they are not here. I mean, what will you do when your parents are out and your alone? Like duh, party !

Yesterday mum bro and i headed down to focus point to get my new glasses done! Yeah baby, it has a pretty pinkish blueish sliverish stoneish design (: Its only an eye wear says mum. HAHA. I love my new glasses! Okay im being so stupid here! Its only a glasses! I knowwwwwwwww!
Lings finally back! Mayuri is still in egypt, Nash has left for bali / singapore / sabah , Amelia is lost i dont know where! Hehooooo! Today for a change im going to the movies with the famliy (:
I cant wait ;)

Reason why santa is red!

Im in love with kenny g's music.
When i was young i always wanted to play the piano,
I always wanted people to her my music,
I wanted my own new piano,
But till today,
My dream has not come true. :(