Love me ;)
So i had sejarah 1 today. Screwed it up. I did not study. How nice? Whats wrong with me? You have an answer? I dont :D
Woke up today and i went to school with an excuse tht ill study sejarah with melissa , but turn out that we had gossiped and gossipped and we ate :D ahhaha. Then i gave up on sejarah and we went to Tanjung class to just sit and hang around like some lifeless mad fools. Nicole and Sarah and Moon wanted to carry me and they were like talking bout me and my skinny-ness -_-. Gahhh lifeless. I noticed something , for the whole of today ive been gossiping ALOT ! After recess me prissy and sarah were like gossiping again bout ms ass wipe. :) and i learnt alot today :D Later on had sej exam. Yeah i did not study and it was DAM BLOODY HARD .
Woke up today and i went to school with an excuse tht ill study sejarah with melissa , but turn out that we had gossiped and gossipped and we ate :D ahhaha. Then i gave up on sejarah and we went to Tanjung class to just sit and hang around like some lifeless mad fools. Nicole and Sarah and Moon wanted to carry me and they were like talking bout me and my skinny-ness -_-. Gahhh lifeless. I noticed something , for the whole of today ive been gossiping ALOT ! After recess me prissy and sarah were like gossiping again bout ms ass wipe. :) and i learnt alot today :D Later on had sej exam. Yeah i did not study and it was DAM BLOODY HARD .